a clean house



  • GYM COVID UPDATE: We are currently on hold until we see a more consistent and tenable directive from the County. No one is being charged until further notice. Please continue to use the equipment you have borrowed, follow the posted workouts, or join us for a zoom virtual class. Staying active is critical right now and we want to help make that possible, despite not being able to train at the gym.


T/Th: 9am  Join
M/W/F:  12pm  Join
T/TH: 3pm Teens  Join
M/W: 5pm  Join
  • NEW MEMBERS NOTE:  Anyone interested in membership, please email 809@rpmtraining.com and we will put you on the list for when we reopen.


  • EQUIPMENT RETURN: If you need to return borrowed equipment, please email 809@rpmtraining.com to arrange it. Thanks!



Get a live breakdown of all the workouts from Chelsea every day at 8am on our IGTV feed @rpmtraining_lg or watch the recorded version anytime later in the day.



A. heavy clean pull: 3-3-3-3; rest 2-3 min

B. 500 double unders for time

Every time you break do 2 pwr cleans (205/135)

OR… As a scaled option if you can’t string at least 25+ DUs together

At the start, and EMOM thereafter, do 1 pwr clean

*17 min cap




A. 3 sets:
10 DB curl to press
10 renegade rows

B. 500 double unders for time

Every time you break do 6 DB pwr cleans

OR… As a scaled option if you can’t string at least 25+ DUs together

At the start, and EMOM, do 6 DB pwr cleans

*17 min cap




A. 3 sets:
10 pushup to rotation
20 yds crab walk

B. 500 double unders for time

Every time you break do 6 burpees

OR… As a scaled option if you can’t string at least 25+ DUs together

At the start, and EMOM, do 6 burpees

*17 min cap


pushing back



  • GYM COVID UPDATE: We are currently on hold until we see a more consistent and tenable directive from the County. No one is being charged until further notice. Please continue to use the equipment you have borrowed, follow the posted workouts, or join us for a zoom virtual class. Staying active is critical right now and we want to help make that possible, despite not being able to train at the gym.


T/Th: 9am  Join
M/W/F:  12pm  Join
T/TH: 3pm Teens  Join
M/W: 5pm  Join
  • NEW MEMBERS NOTE:  Anyone interested in membership, please email 809@rpmtraining.com and we will put you on the list for when we reopen.


  • EQUIPMENT RETURN: If you need to return borrowed equipment, please email 809@rpmtraining.com to arrange it. Thanks!



Get a live breakdown of all the workouts from Chelsea every day at 8am on our IGTV feed @rpmtraining_lg or watch the recorded version anytime later in the day.



A. OHS: 15-12-9; rest as needed

B. 7 rounds for time:

12 pullups
12 thrusters (75/45)
1 min UB plank hold




A. 3 sets
10 wall squats @ 3222

B. 7 rounds for time:

12 single arm KBS (6 ea. side)
12 single arm thrusters (6 ea. side)
1 min UB plank hold




A. 3 sets
10 wall squats @ 3222
20 bw RDL

B. 7 rounds for time:

50 speed step
10 broomstick snatch balance
1 min UB plank hold


ten and two



  • GYM COVID UPDATE: We are currently on hold until we see a more consistent and tenable directive from the County. No one is being charged until further notice. Please continue to use the equipment you have borrowed, follow the posted workouts, or join us for a zoom virtual class. Staying active is critical right now and we want to help make that possible, despite not being able to train at the gym.


T/Th: 9am  Join
M/W/F:  12pm  Join
T/TH: 3pm Teens  Join
M/W: 5pm  Join
  • NEW MEMBERS NOTE:  Anyone interested in membership, please email 809@rpmtraining.com and we will put you on the list for when we reopen.


  • EQUIPMENT RETURN: If you need to return borrowed equipment, please email 809@rpmtraining.com to arrange it. Thanks!



Get a live breakdown of all the workouts from Chelsea every day at 8am on our IGTV feed @rpmtraining_lg or watch the recorded version anytime later in the day.



5 rounds, each for time:

10 cal air bike
10 power snatches (95/65)
200m run
10 box jumps (30/24)

*rest 3-4 min bt rounds




5 rounds, each for time:

40 DUs
10 DB snatches
200m run
10 box jumps

*rest 3-4 min bt rounds




5 rounds, each for time:

40 DUs
10 beast to leg through
30 mtn climbers
200m run
10 box jumps (no box? find something to jump over!)

*rest 3-4 min bt rounds



jump the shark



  • GYM COVID UPDATE: We are currently on hold until we see a more consistent and tenable directive from the County. No one is being charged until further notice. Please continue to use the equipment you have borrowed, follow the posted workouts, or join us for a zoom virtual class. Staying active is critical right now and we want to help make that possible, despite not being able to train at the gym.


T/Th: 9am  Join
M/W/F:  12pm  Join
T/TH: 3pm Teens  Join
M/W: 5pm  Join
  • NEW MEMBERS NOTE:  Anyone interested in membership, please email 809@rpmtraining.com and we will put you on the list for when we reopen.


  • EQUIPMENT RETURN: If you need to return borrowed equipment, please email 809@rpmtraining.com to arrange it. Thanks!



Get a live breakdown of all the workouts from Chelsea every day at 8am on our IGTV feed @rpmtraining_lg or watch the recorded version anytime later in the day.



A. snatch: 1RM

B. 4 rounds for time:

15 bar facing burpees
10 squat cleans (135/95)




A. 3 sets:

10 alt. cossack squats
10 3 sec superman holds
10 contralateral tall plank march

B. 4 rounds for time:

15 DB hopping burpees
15 DB squat cleans




A. 3 sets:

10 alt. cossack squats
10 3 sec superman holds
10 contralateral tall plank march

B. 4 rounds for time:

15 DB hopping burpees
15 squat cleans



Fresh press



  • GYM COVID UPDATE: We are currently on hold until we see a more consistent and tenable directive from the County. No one is being charged until further notice. Please continue to use the equipment you have borrowed, follow the posted workouts, or join us for a zoom virtual class. Staying active is critical right now and we want to help make that possible, despite not being able to train at the gym.


T/Th: 9am  Join
M/W/F:  12pm  Join
T/TH: 3pm Teens  Join
M/W: 5pm  Join
  • NEW MEMBERS NOTE:  Anyone interested in membership, please email 809@rpmtraining.com and we will put you on the list for when we reopen.


  • EQUIPMENT RETURN: If you need to return borrowed equipment, please email 809@rpmtraining.com to arrange it. Thanks!



Get a live breakdown of all the workouts from Chelsea every day at 8am on our IGTV feed @rpmtraining_lg or watch the recorded version anytime later in the day.



A. ring dips: 4 sets x 3-5 reps (add weight if possible)

B. AMRAP in 16 min

200m row
10 push press (115/85)
200m run
20 pushups




A. bench press: 3 x 10 @ 32X1

B. AMRAP in 16 min

50 DUs
15 push press
200m run
20 pushups




A. HSPU: 3 reps EMOM for 10 min

B. AMRAP in 16 min

50 DUs
15 bench dips
200m run
20 pushups



Plank n crank



  • GYM COVID UPDATE: We are currently on hold until we see a more consistent and tenable directive from the County. No one is being charged until further notice. Please continue to use the equipment you have borrowed, follow the posted workouts, or join us for a zoom virtual class. Staying active is critical right now and we want to help make that possible, despite not being able to train at the gym.


T/Th: 9am  Join
M/W/F:  12pm  Join
T/TH: 3pm Teens  Join
M/W: 5pm  Join
  • NEW MEMBERS NOTE:  Anyone interested in membership, please email 809@rpmtraining.com and we will put you on the list for when we reopen.


  • EQUIPMENT RETURN: If you need to return borrowed equipment, please email 809@rpmtraining.com to arrange it. Thanks!



Get a live breakdown of all the workouts from Chelsea every day at 8am on our IGTV feed @rpmtraining_lg or watch the recorded version anytime later in the day.




3 min plank (10 burpee penalty for each break)
800m run

Squeeze in



  • GYM COVID UPDATE: We are currently on hold until we see a more consistent and tenable directive from the County. No one is being charged until further notice. Please continue to use the equipment you have borrowed, follow the posted workouts, or join us for a zoom virtual class. Staying active is critical right now and we want to help make that possible, despite not being able to train at the gym.


T/Th: 9am  Join
M/W/F:  12pm  Join
T/TH: 3pm Teens  Join
M/W: 5pm  Join
  • NEW MEMBERS NOTE:  Anyone interested in membership, please email 809@rpmtraining.com and we will put you on the list for when we reopen.


  • EQUIPMENT RETURN: If you need to return borrowed equipment, please email 809@rpmtraining.com to arrange it. Thanks!



Get a live breakdown of all the workouts from Chelsea every day at 8am on our IGTV feed @rpmtraining_lg or watch the recorded version anytime later in the day.



A. 5 rounds, each against a 90 sec clock:

5 back squats (225/155, from a rack)
10 KBS (70/53)
15 pushups
AMRAP double-unders with time remaining

*rest 2 min bt rounds

B. 30-20-10
biceps curls
triceps ext.




A. 5 rounds, each against a 90 sec clock:

10 wtd. squats
10 KBS
15 pushups
AMRAP double-unders with time remaining

*rest 2 min bt rounds, post DUs completed each round

B. 30-20-10
biceps curls
triceps ext.




A. 5 rounds, each against a 90 sec clock:

10 jump squats
10 switch lunges
15 pushups
AMRAP double-unders with time remaining

*rest 2 min bt rounds, post DUs completed each round

B. 3 sets
30 sec iso bicep hold
20 bench dips



this and that



  • GYM COVID UPDATE: We are currently on hold until we see a more consistent and tenable directive from the County. No one is being charged until further notice. Please continue to use the equipment you have borrowed, follow the posted workouts, or join us for a zoom virtual class. Staying active is critical right now and we want to help make that possible, despite not being able to train at the gym.


T/Th: 9am  Join
M/W/F:  12pm  Join
T/TH: 3pm Teens  Join
M/W: 5pm  Join
  • NEW MEMBERS NOTE:  Anyone interested in membership, please email 809@rpmtraining.com and we will put you on the list for when we reopen.


  • EQUIPMENT RETURN: If you need to return borrowed equipment, please email 809@rpmtraining.com to arrange it. Thanks!



Get a live breakdown of all the workouts from Chelsea every day at 8am on our IGTV feed @rpmtraining_lg or watch the recorded version anytime later in the day.



For time:

75 cal assault bike
50 T2B
75 cal row
50 situps
1 mi run
50 situps




For time:

300 DUs
50 leg lowers
50 situps
1 mi run
50 situps




For time:

300 DUs
50 situps
100 mtn climbers
50 situps
1 mi run
50 situps



check please



  • GYM COVID UPDATE: We are currently on hold until we see a more consistent and tenable directive from the County. No one is being charged until further notice. Please continue to use the equipment you have borrowed, follow the posted workouts, or join us for a zoom virtual class. Staying active is critical right now and we want to help make that possible, despite not being able to train at the gym.


T/Th: 9am  Join
M/W/F:  12pm  Join
T/TH: 3pm Teens  Join
M/W: 5pm  Join
  • NEW MEMBERS NOTE:  Anyone interested in membership, please email 809@rpmtraining.com and we will put you on the list for when we reopen.


  • EQUIPMENT RETURN: If you need to return borrowed equipment, please email 809@rpmtraining.com to arrange it. Thanks!



Get a live breakdown of all the workouts from Chelsea every day at 8am on our IGTV feed @rpmtraining_lg or watch the recorded version anytime later in the day.



A. 1 snatch + 1 OHS EMOM for 10 min

B. 5 rounds for time:

16 pullups
20 burpees
24 SA DB OH lunges (50/35)




A. 3 sets
10 wall sit arm slides
10 windmills

B. 5 rounds for time:

16 bent over rows
20 burpees
24 SA DB OH lunges




A. 3 rounds
10 wall sit arm slides
10 windmills

B. 5 rounds for time:

20 burpees
30 DUs
24 lunges
30 DUs



Bell’s are ringing



  • GYM COVID UPDATE: We are currently on hold until we see a more consistent and tenable directive from the County. No one is being charged until further notice. Please continue to use the equipment you have borrowed, follow the posted workouts, or join us for a zoom virtual class. Staying active is critical right now and we want to help make that possible, despite not being able to train at the gym.


T/Th: 9am  Join
M/W/F:  12pm  Join
T/TH: 3pm Teens  Join
M/W: 5pm  Join
  • NEW MEMBERS NOTE:  Anyone interested in membership, please email 809@rpmtraining.com and we will put you on the list for when we reopen.


  • EQUIPMENT RETURN: If you need to return borrowed equipment, please email 809@rpmtraining.com to arrange it. Thanks!



Get a live breakdown of all the workouts from Chelsea every day at 8am on our IGTV feed @rpmtraining_lg or watch the recorded version anytime later in the day.


**Great job throughout Hero month everyone! Now back to our regularly scheduled program.**



A. bench press: Find 3RM for the day

B. 27-21-15-9 rep rounds for time:

ring dips
SA KB snatch per side (53/35)

C. 50 reps ab wheel




A. bench/floor press: 3 x 10-15; rest as needed

B. 27-21-15-9 rep rounds for time:

DB pushups (hands on DB’s)
SA DB snatch per side

C. 100 reps plank march*




A. 3 sets
10 prone row-rotate-press
20 bench dips

B. 27-21-15-9 rep rounds for time:

HR pushups
reverse lunges per side

C. 100 reps plank march



*Plank march: In plank position, reach one arm out in front of you, then return it and do the same on the other side (that would be considered 2 reps). You can also do these by lifting one foot at a time off the ground slightly.  You may switch it up between arms or legs as you wish, but in either case, do the reps in a controlled manner.