June 15, 2020 Josh Rogers

Squat to it



Dear RPM Family,

It probably goes without saying, we owe a lot to the CrossFit organization.  The methodology they created, the community they built, and the businesses they spawned, have changed the world in ways we won’t even fully understand for years to come. While we absolutely love this community of amazing athletes, affiliates, event organizers, volunteers, and fellow founders, we have always intentionally built RPM independent of the CrossFit “brand”, which has had a history of controversial, often tone-deaf and insensitive, actions over the years, particularly on social media. The recent examples of this, (including the comments made over the weekend by CrossFit founder, Greg Glassman) have reinforced our belief that we need to continue to draw a clear line between the voice and brand of RPM and the voice and brand of CrossFit. With that in mind, we will be ending our 11 year affiliate status.  To be clear, while we do not (and likely will not ever) agree with everything they do or say, this is not to imply we are disavowing CrossFit or all things related to CrossFit.  Their proven methodology and contributions to the health and wellness of our world are indisputable, and we are hopeful recent events will actually help the organization learn and grow, allowing them to continue that work on an even broader scale. But that will ultimately be up to them.

Going forward, this will not affect the programming or the classes you attend other than by name only, but we wanted to be transparent about our position. 




  • NEW MEMBERS START HERE!  Questions about the program? Classes? Costs? Our main website is under construction currently, so please Email 809@rpmtraining.com and we’ll give you the full rundown.


  • VIRTUAL CLASS SCHEDULE: Our new virtual class schedule is rolling.  And don’t knock it till you try it! The classes are surprisingly fun, super easy to connect to, allow you to hang with your RPM fam, and will 100% do the job of getting you fitter. Just click on the class time below you’d like to join at the time of the class and you’ll be brought right into the group! Ideally you’d have at least one strength tool (KB, DB, etc) and a jump rope. So if you don’t see the equipment lending program below, go get some!


  • FREE WEEK TRIAL: If you’ve got friends who are gymless currently, have them join a virtual class with you. We’ll work around their equipment limitations if needed, or they can borrow some from us on a Monday to use during their free week. Just have them reach out the week prior to arrange the equipment pickup.


  • EQUIPMENT BORROWING: The regular equipment pickup day is MONDAYS. Here’s how to do it… First email 809@rpmtraining.com with the subject line “Equipment Loan” with what you’d like to borrow the week or weekend prior. We will respond to your email with what items from your request can be accommodated and then place the equipment OUTSIDE on the patio on Monday, labeled with your name, between the hours of 2pm and 6pm, along with a log where you will need to sign the equipment out and agree to the terms. Please DO NOT enter the gym, ask to enter the gym, or ask for more items than what was agreed to in your reservation. We are simply complying with CDC recommendations and must adhere to this policy. Equipment loans will be limited to KBs, DBs, bars, plates, boxes, wall balls, flat mats, Abmats, ab wheels, bands, and jump ropes.  And don’t worry, you can get seriously fit with this amount of gear.  You can see exactly what’s available on this google doc.  Requests will be granted in the order they are received.


Get a live breakdown of all the workouts from Chelsea every day at 8am on our IGTV feed @rpmtraining_lg.




A. 5 rounds, each AFAP:

10 back squats (60% of 1RM, from the rack)
12/9 ring dips
250m row

*rest 3 min bt rounds

B. For time:

40 weighted abmat situps (45/25)
50 GHD situps
60 abmat situps




A. 5 rounds, each AFAP:

15 wtd squats
15 pushups
200m run

*rest 2 min bt rounds

B. For time:

40 weighted abmat situps
50 mtn climbers
60 abmat situps





A. 5 rounds, each AFAP:

25 squats
15 pushups
50 DUs

*rest 1 min bt rounds

B. For time:

30 V-ups
50 mtn climbers
60 abmat situps