October 30, 2017 Josh Rogers

no tricks no treats

Let’s do this y’all!  10,000 jumps in 30 days!   Click here to register.




  • RPM 10k Challenge starts Wednesday!  Join us on our quest to get people moving by challenging yourself (and your friends) to complete 10,000 jumps during the month of November.  Click here to register!




S&P Cycle: squat – pull – PRESS – pull – off

A. 4 rounds:

  • 3-5 reps heavy bench press
  • 5-8 reps clapping pushups (hands leave the ground at top)

*rest 2-3 min bt rounds

B. 3 rounds for time:

  • 40 KBS (53/35)
  • 50 cal row or assault bike
  • 60 air squats





A. 4 sets:
12 bench press
12 push ups
15 sit ups

400m run or 100 DUs

B. 4 sets:
12 weighted step ups
12 pistol squats
45 sec plank

400m run or 100 DUs

C. 4 sets:
12 wall balls
12 burpees
12 K2E

400m run or 100 DUs

Comments (3)

  1. BenE

    Class wod

    A 165×5 + 8/165×5 + 8/165 x 5 +6/165×5 +5
    B. 28:10 Rx

  2. R.O.

    Class WOD
    A: 165×5 + 8, 165×5 + 8, 185×5 + 8, 185×3 + 5
    B: 24:39 rxd

  3. Scott L

    Class WOD

    A: 185×5+8/185×5+8/185×5+5/185×5+5

    B: 29:10 Rx (assault bike for cals)

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