August 23, 2019 Josh Rogers

Filthy Friday

New muscle-up who dis?!?!?!



Stuff to know about…

  • Programming note:  You may have noticed this week in our S&P Cycle there is a new abbreviation (acs).  It stands for “Accessory”, because we are going to be replacing the second “pull” day in the cycle for a little accessory work. This will give us a chance to add in some more nuanced strength/skill work and change things up a bit occasionally. Have fun with it!




S&P Cycle: squat – pull – press – acs – OFF

“Filthy Fifty”

For time:

50 box hops (24/20)
50 jumping pullups
50 KBS (35/26)
50 lunges
50 K2E
50 push presses (45/35)
50 back extensions
50 wall ball shots (20/14)
50 burpees
50 double-unders




A. AMRAP in 40 min
—50 HR push ups
400m run
—50 KBS
400m run
—50 Goblet squats
400m run
—50 push press
400m run
—50 sit ups
400m run
—50 box jumps
400m run



Quote of the Day

“A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt