October 15, 2019 Josh Rogers

bell air

Stable is able.



Stuff you’ll prob want to know…

  • WE ARE CROSSFIT CADENCE! In case you don’t pre-date the RPM era… just a reminder that our official CrossFit Affiliate name is still “CrossFit Cadence”.  So when you register for the OPEN, select Cadence as your affiliate.
  • FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS starts this week! No classes Friday afternoons for the next 5 weeks. Instead, come in anytime between 5 and 7pm, for our OPEN house.  Three versions of the workout (Rx, Scaled, Csport) will be on the board and at least one coach will be there to help you get it done.  We are also hosting our friends from CrossFit Los Gatos, since they don’t have a place to do the OPEN this year as their gym is under construction. We’ll be giving away RPM gift cards for each week’s best performances too!  Okay see you Friday!




S&P Cycle: on break for the OPEN – we will still do some strength work, just not on the reg rotating schedule.

A. jerk: to a heavy single

B. 4 rounds for time:

20 KBS
15 KB step ups
15 cal assault bike




A. 1 min @ each, x 3 rounds
Wall Balls
Jump Rope

B. AMRAP in 10 min
KBS: 3, 6, 9, 12…
Push ups: 3, 6, 9, 12…
200m run each round

C. AMRAP in 10 min
20 weighted lunges, 10 per leg
15 body rows
200m row

D. 4 sets:
15 russian twists per side
10 back ext.