June 30, 2017 Josh Rogers

Friday mixer

Fun stuff from the insta yesterday!



  • Attention fans of awesome stuff!  This Summer marks the beginning of a new era for RPM, one with an evolving mission (bridge the gap between outdoor action sports and training culture) and an expanding product line (compression gear, performance apparel, active swimwear, and other products that will help you live that life).  Kicking it off in a few weeks will be our active swim line, made locally of premium recycled fabrics, and designed to endure (and stay put) whether you’re training, running, surfing, paddling, or whatever else your crazy active life can dish out.  Following swim will be women’s training leggings and men’s and women’s compression, both also made locally and designed (after seemingly endless R&D) with patterns and fit exclusive to our brand that we think are now the best out there.   Of course our iconic jump rope will continue to be the foundation of RPM…  stay tuned for news from that department soon!  While none of this will affect our training and classes, we definitely wanted to let all of you, our awesome members, know the scoop.  We strive to make all of you proud to be RPM members and hope you love whats coming next!
  • July 4th Schedule: We will be open on July 3rd from 8am-noon for open gym only, closed on the 4th, back to normal on the 5th.



CROSSFIT  (squat – pull – press – pull – OFF)

30 min @ ~ 80%:

400m sled push “buy in” (45/15)
then AMRAP with remaining time:

1 attempt max watts on rower
10 Ab wheel
20 single arm alternating Russian KB swings
20 single arm OH KB lunges
1/2 lap UB farmers carry (AHAP for UB, you may add/reduce load any round as needed)

*on the row, pull as hard as possible until your watts begin to decrease rather than increase, then move on.

*for KB swings, use a moderate weight and if you don’t feel confident switching hands at the top of each swing, simply do 10 on one side, switch hands, then 10 on the other.

*for farmer carry, turn up the stairs instead of going all the way around.




A. 30 sec @ each x 3 rounds:
PVC good mornings
plank hold

B. 21-15-9
bench press
push ups

— 400m run

C. 21-15-9
Ab wheel
box jumps
Rev. lunges (per leg)

— 400m run

D. 21-15-9
Goblet squats

— 400m run