March 9, 2020 Josh Rogers

The Boxer

Meanwhile, at the bar…




S&P Cycle:  squat – PULL – press – pull – off

A. 1 clean pull + 1 squat clean + 1 front squat x 5 sets

B. 5 rounds for time
8 burpee box jump overs (24/20)
8 pwr clean & jerks (135/95)




A. ALT. TABATA x 5 rounds (:20 on/ :10 off)
Push ups
Alt. Reverse lunges

B. 3 rounds:
500m row
15 burpees
15 bench press

C. 3 rounds:
400m run
20 weighted sit ups
40 weighted squats

D. :30 side plank per side x 3 sets per side
*add weight to increase difficulty