February 24, 2018 Josh Rogers

Team Wes

18.1 going down yesterday!




Everyone who completes AND POSTS a score for ALL 5 weeks of the OPEN will get the option of either $20 off their membership in April, or an RPM shirt of their choice!

Remember, there is a scaled division and there is absolutely no pressure to perform at any particular level, so EVERYONE can do it.




  • THE OPEN IS ON!  And there’s still time to register – you have until MONDAY at 5pm. (Click HERE!)  Be sure and choose “CrossFit Cadence” as your affiliate and “RPM Training” as your team!
  • FINAL WEEK CELEBRATION:  On the final week of the OPEN, we will move our Friday night plan to Saturday morning.  So March 24th you can expect fun, food, and an extra special performance by some badass RPM athletes.   Save the date!!
  • UPDATE!!! FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS:  Our OPEN house (where y’all get together to perform and help judge each other on the weekly OPEN workout) will start at 4PM every week!  You guys will be able do the workout anytime between 4pm and close.



CROSSFIT – Partner Saturday!

“Team Wes”

In teams of two:

Run 800 meters with a 25-lb. plate

Then, 14 rounds of:

  • 5 strict pull-ups
  • 4 burpee box jumps (24/20)
  • 3 cleans (185/125)

Then, run 800 meters with a 25-lb. plate

**Run together, with one plate, trading off as needed.  For the triplet, alternate rounds for a total of 7 each.

**If you haven’t done 18.1 yet, you may also choose to do that.




A. 20-15-10

push press
pull ups

Farley hill run

B. 20-15-10
back ext
push ups

Farley hill run

C. 20-15-10
ab wheels

Farley hill run

D. 20-15-10
goblet squats

Farley hill run