August 15, 2019 Josh Rogers

Bet the Farm

Plankedy plank…


Stuff to know about…

  • Jared (@jaredlbz), our very own motocross all-star, is riding in a crazy race from Vegas to Reno this week.  At 550 miles, it’s the longest off road race in the country.  He’s #020 and you can follow the action at




S&P Cycle: squat – pull – PRESS – pull – off

A. bench press: 2RM

B. AMRAP 20 min

15 HSPUs
20 pullups
1 lap heavy DB farmer carry




A. 4 sets:
10 bench press
10 strict press

B. 4 sets:
15 tri ext.
15 side bends each side

C. 4 sets:
10 weighted lunges 5/5
10 weighted step ups 5/5

D. 4 rounds:
300m row
20 KBS
200m run
20 Goblet squats



Quote of the Day

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde