June 20, 2018 Josh Rogers

Dub sandwich



Well, it’s been quite a run, but after 9 years and over 3 thousand posts it’s time to pass on the blogging baton.  My schedule doesn’t allow me to communicate with you all like I once did, and you guys deserve someone who can.  I will still be writing the programming, but going forward, Steven will be the voice you hear/read on the blog.  Please call him out on any and all grammatical mistakes.  JK, JK…  But this will be a much better arrangement since Steven is so connected with everything that goes on in the gym daily and can add a little more to each post/workout when necessary.  Thank you to all the faithful blog followers who’ve waited in suspense every night for the last decade to see what the next day’s workout would be.  It’s torturing you that kept me going. ;)  – Josh





S&P Cycle:  squat – pull – PRESS – pull – off

A.  close grip (shoulder width) bench press: 3-3-3-3-3; rest as needed

B.  For time:

100 double-unders
30 cal airbike
40 knees to elbows
50 KBS (70/53)
40 box jumps (24/20)
30 DB G2OH (40/25)
100 double-unders
*stagger start times today to reduce back up on airbikes




A. 3 sets:
20 bench dips
15 skull crushers

B. 3 sets:
10 split squats each leg (rear leg on riser)
15 back ext

C. For time:
800m run
70 sit ups
50 wall balls
40 box jumps
30 knees 2 elbows
20 burpees

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